ONE weekend was a great weekend. I loved hanging out with the 9th grade boys all weekend. One of my favorite things was praying over Jason that goes to GPC and just started an Auto Body shop by the high school. I am still trying to recover from ONE.
Tomorrow is going to be strange for me for I am not going to be at youth. I have been helping out at youth for the past three and half years at Grace Point and now taking a small break from it. I am taking the PE exam in 2 months from today (April 24) in Little Rock and need to do some heavy studying for it. I am not doing much of anything during the week except Men's Frat on Wed. mornings. Sundays I am still going to teach 5th graders and church and BodyLife group. It is going to be strange not being there at youth, but Brooks is going to fill in for me while I am out for the next two months.
This will also give me time to kind of regroup too. I love my group of 9th and 10th grade boys and pray that they will be devoted followers of Christ in their lives, not just in high school. So this time off can maybe help me think of ways I can be a better minister to them as their small group leader.
Please pray for me these next two months that I am diligent in studying, I don't stress out, and that I do well and pass the exam.
Here is a video of the guys dancing along with Daniel Franklin to Low by Flo Rida:
It seems like everyone on Facebook is doing a 25 Random Things. I thought it was pretty stupid, but I have enjoyed reading people's random things. Jennifer put on hers that because she did one that I would do one and mine would be better. Well, I am more or less doing one and mine won't be better. I really liked her thoughts. I have been meaning to write a blog entry anyways that had some random thoughts so I am doing that instead of a list of 25 things.
On Wednesday, Jerad was preaching to the youth and the series has been on redefining normal, which is the theme for our ONE Weekend coming up this weekend. Well, he was talking about spiritual disciplines and how we need to have those for growth and not just going from event to event. I was rather harsh on my self and my group about this.
I posed the question: How have you grown in your spiritual walk in the past year since last ONE weekend?
I confessed that it seems that I haven't grown in my spiritual walk with Christ over the past year and as a group (9th & 10th grade boys) we haven't.
But I think I was wrong. I know I was wrong. We have grown. I have grown.
It might to be a burning bush moment or a transfiguration moment. It has been more of a wondering through the desert, but I, and the boys, have grown over the past year. It might have taken 50 miles of walking to get one mile closer, but that means you are still closer.
Nothing happens on accident. There is a purpose and a plan that God has. Sometimes it sure doesn't feel like it or think that my way is better than God's way, but He is in control.
I am not God. Hard to believe, huh? But I lose sight of how God has led me and shown his love to me. It is very true of spiritual disciplines (prayer, fasting, meditation, reading, etc.) sometimes seem like a chore and get no reward. It seems sometimes I go to church on Sunday or youth on Wednesday and I am not into it or get nothing out of it. But I do. Even if I don't realize it, I get a nugget of truth. It is kind of like the story of a guy saying that he doesn't remember every meal that his wife has cooked for him, but it nourished him all the same and in the same way I might not remember or learn each time going to church, but it still gives nourishment.
Big things that have happened in my life over the past year:
- We had to put our lab to sleep because she attacked our neighbor dogs. That was the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life and hope that circumstance never happens again. But through it, God has given us peace that we did the right thing & helped us through it.
- Jennifer went to Haiti which was incredible and has given Jennifer and love for orphans and those in need.
- We helped out with Financial Peace University at church and seeing couples communicate better and be happier because they agreed on money. It has helped us out a great deal.
- I went to Falls Creek with the Surge kids and that was awesome seeing some of the kids transformed. I have never seen a group go so much from fighting to being a close knit group.
- I started help teach 5th graders in Planet Kids which has been pretty neat. I learn a great deal about God from just preparing the lesson and them asking questions about God.
- We are able to pay off our second mortgage so our only debt is our first mortgage which is so relieving that we don't have to worry that much about the economy. If you don't have debt, then what the economy does just doesn't matter too much to you.
- Jennifer's company was bought out and mine has been having trouble and had to have layoffs in January. It was hard to see some of my favorite coworkers get laid off. I pray that they will find jobs quickly.
- Men's Frat in the fall was very good and helped a lot along with the ManUP weekend. Especially with being a better husband to Jennifer and live in an understanding way.
- My small group has been meeting on Mondays going through Peppermint-Filled Pinatas. Great book on loving others that aren't like you. The way we show Christ to others is to love them, not to make them change. We need to enter their world and love God and love them.
- A cat adopted us in the beginning of December. She is a great addition to our family. She is affectionate and lazy. A great combo for a cat!
- Being part of a great BodyLife Group at Grace Point. Grace Point has been such a blessing for Jennifer and I over the past 4 years and the past several months we have been part of the Toto BLG. I love the group and Jennifer and I have become really good friends with Phillip and Sarah and their kids.
There have been other things, but that is the main ones I can think of right now.
So back to the question:
How have you grown in your spiritual walk in the past year since last ONE weekend?
I have grown in becoming a better husband, in loving others, seeing that God loves us and has amazing grace for us. He is our comfort and provider. He wants us to love all of His children, not just the ones that look like us, talk like us and believe like us but the homosexual, the Hindu, the "Christian", black people, Hispanics, everyone as God's creation. Everyone is different, but God loves us all the same.
I have grown over the past year. God has been leading me on the spiritual journey all of my life and I have joined him on it for almost ten years (April 1999). God has lead me through so much over the past ten years and I am looking forward to what is in store . . .
So that is my answer and my random thoughts over the past 5 days. What about you? How have you grown in the last year?
Life is a Journey, Enjoy the Ride!
ONE Weekend is this Wed, Friday-Sunday at GPC for the youth. This is the third year of it and I have really enjoyed being a part of it each year. I am looking forward to the fact that I get to be a support family for the Toto's who is hosting for the 9th grade boys. I get to be with my boys that I help lead on Wed. nights. It will be good for I am stepping away from youth for a couple months while I prepare for the PE exam which is in less than 10 weeks!
Here is the video from last year's ONE weekend:
Having a hard time sleeping? Get the Snoozatron.
I love Wallace and Gromit and was excited to see that it is now on so enjoy!
Talking about Hulu, here is the great Hulu commercial that was on the Superbowl.