Wade, our youth pastor, has started a series on the Fruit of the Spirit. Last night we started on Joy. Joy is not happiness. We can have joy through our sorrow. We won't be happy, but we have joy and rejoice for God is there and has a plan for our lives. He is in control and loves us.
Jennifer and I are big fans of FamilyLife. We listen everyday to the podcast of FamilyLife Today. We went through their premarital material (which I didn't know it was theirs, but it was very good) and have gone to a Weekend to Remember. We love the honesty and authenticity that Dennis Rainey and Bob Lepine have and their love for Christ.
This week they are broadcasting the story of Might Molly Muntz. She is Dennis Rainey's granddaughter that was born June 13, 2008 and died June 19, 2008. All week they are going through the pain and sorrow of the story of her life, but through it, knowing God was there and glorifying Him. I recommend you listen to her story. Click here for the FamilyLife Page.
Jennifer found out Molly's death before it was told on air from Rebecca Muntz's blog. Also from it, we have found out that she was expecting a baby (Micah) in October, but miscarried so they went through the pain over again. Go to her blog for a birthday poem to Molly: What's Cooking?
We pray that our baby is healthy and everything goes well. But no matter what happens, we pray that we will glorify God and praise him through any sorrow we go through in life.