Christians Tipping Poorly

My favorite blog that I read, Stuff Christians Like, is having a Money Month due to the writer of the blog spoke recently at Dave Ramsey's headquarters.  Dave recently had a tipping hour on his show and it always comes up about Christians being TERRIBLE tippers, especially on Sunday after church.  I guess we forget, right as we leave the church doors, that our lives are supposed to be a living testimony to Christ.  Giving a tract that looks like a $100 bill isn't cute, it isn't going to make someone read it and become a Christian.  It is going to make someone disgusted with Christians and be turned off from God.  Okay, I'll get off my soapbox for now.

A clip from the Dave Ramsey Show on Fox Business Network.

This also makes me think of this powerful song and video.

1 Response to "Christians Tipping Poorly"

  1. gravatar Anonymous Says:

    Good post. I think tithing must be the hot topic right now. I just ran into three other blogs plus yours discussing it right after I wrote about it in my own. I'm going to have to watch how I tip more carefully.